
Monday, June 13, 2011

Mocca, I Love You, Still!

That picture is made by me this morning when I have read this news. I felt so blue, I know this is just a little thing for you, that has Arina as Vocalist and flute, Indra as drummer, Toma as bassist, and Rico as guitarist is the most favorite band I ever heard since I was a little girl in the elementary school.

I felt in love with Mocca after I heard "Me and My Boyfriend" more or less 7 years ago in a teenlit TV series in private television station, the title is "My Friends, My Dreams". After that my love for this band flow as time goes by. Untuk Rena and Catatan Akhir Sekolah that used Mocca's songs as their soundtrack also made me felt in love, love, and, love.

After my scoliosis surgery, I got a good news! Mocca was invited by Siska Putri to entertain us as the first guest star on her 1st boutique anniversary, and it was my first attending to an concert and to a Mocca concert.
And in the 3rd arriving of Mocca in Malang, I also watched and enjoyed them swinging and swinging. It was Nevasca, Senior High School 1 Malang held it.
Before Nevasca held, in the afternoon, Swinging Friends Malang gathered and share with Mocca, I felt so disappointed I couldn't come to this event because of school event. But, Dini, my twin came to this event.
And Dini brought Mocca for me, look at the picture, there was "to: Dina", I was so happy Dini brought Mocca to me!
Mocca also gave signatures on my Untuk Rena cassette...
Here is Dini's...
Mocca, look at how much I love you, will you still want to held you "last concert"? I know that you are lying, I know that you want to give a surprise for us with tell that bad news. We are Swinging Friends Malang still waiting for your new songs and we have to swing swing swing together! Will you go and swing along tonight? :( I want you to stay...You Are My Only One...please hear my Only One for you, Mocca :(


  1. ahahahahah lucu...
    bagus kembangkan yah smoga apa yang km cita2 kan bisa tercapai hihihi

  2. halo kak dinaaa :)
    aku gak tau mau komen apa. speechless ini.
    aku udah baca ni postingan kemaren lusa tapi komennya sekarang. jd bingung mau komen apa. aku geje sekali yaa kak. haha

    oh iya kak, aku baru inget!
    aku udah liat semua video kakak di yutub, tak dengerin dengan seksama cuman 1 video yang cuman tak liat bentar langsung tak close adalah videonya kakak waktu dikelas nyanyi lagunya RAN itu. haha :D *maaf yaa kak*

    ehem.... boleh diadu suaranya. wkwkwk :D

  3. Hahahaha, kadang aku juga sering lupa gitu lhoh :D

    Wehe, emang yang di kelas itu nganggur abis dah videonya :D. Ayo makanya kamu upload video kamu, biar bisa diadu (wewkekeke) :D


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